Monday, February 14, 2011

Siebel Architecture

At a high level,the Siebel architecture mainly consists of following components
    • Web Clients
    • Web Server
    • Servers
    • Relational Database & File System

àWeb client : Web client displays interactive Siebel application used to manage the Siebel data.
 -Runs in a variety of environments like Web browsers,WML devices, and PDAs  Windows CE and palm)

àWeb Server : It will handles interactions with siebel web clients.
-Identifies and passes Siebel requests from Web clients to the Siebel servers
-Passes completed HTML application pages back to Web clients
-It has the following additional Siebel component

  • Virtual directories : It will receive inbound web client request and will forward it to SWSE.
  • SWSE : Siebel Web Server Extension will receive and parse the http request from web clients and              will create TCP connections to Siebel server or load manager. it will routes requests to appropriate Siebel server components.
  • Eapps.cfg : It is the single configuration file for all the Siebel applications.It contains configuration information, including: connectivity information,login, and security settings.  Allows the SWSE to communicate with the Siebel Server.Contains a connect string for each Siebel application
àGateway server : It will receive request from different clients & will store it for name server.

  • Name server : It will dynamically registers Siebel server & components availability.                             -Stores component definitions, assignments, operational parameters, connectivity information.It will be stored in siebns.dat file (located in sea77\gtwysrvr\ADMIN)
  • Connection broker:  It holds Siebel requests & make connections b/n gateway server to enterprise server.
àServer Load Balancing : It will evenly distribute the workload across available servers.

àEnterprise server : It is logical collection of servers that supports users accessing single DB & single file system.
-Siebel servers : It executes tasks like ‘interactive processing’ (e.g.: supports the web client running Siebel call center),’background processing ‘(for example: workflow and business process automation) ’batch processing’ (for example: volume data importing) to manage business data. It will control server components running on a machine.Siebel server consists of the following entities:

·        Siebel Repository File (.SRF) : It is a binary file which specifies data presentation, business rules & processes, data organization & storage.
·        Configuration File (.CFG) : It will specify initialization settings of a application at run time (like application parameters,security settings,Siebel gateway name server,enterprise server)
·        Siebel Web Templates(.SWT) : Contains set of template files that specify how to show the UI in the user’s browser
·        Server components: Is a program that executes on a Siebel Server. Performs a specific function or job like Importing and exporting data, configuring the database to monitor for user-defined conditions, Processing of client requests..

 AOM: It is one of the most important types of server components.It provides the environment in which Siebel applications run.It processes data at multiple levels.
  • Business Object Layer : In this layer required business logic is processed and will sends a request to data manager.
  • Data Layer : It is supported by data manager.Its primary function is to recieve user request,create SQL and forward it to database server.When it recieves results from database server,the results will forwarded to bussiness object layer for additioal processing.Then siebel business object layer forwards the results to SWE
  • UI Layer : UI layer is supported by SWE(Siebel Web Engine).SWE reads web templates and creates HTML pages,forwarded to SWSE,which resides in webserver.Then webserver will send back the results to web client.
 File System Manager Files System Manager controls access to the Siebel File System.
    -It is a shared directory that stores compressed files used by Siebel applications.
     E.g. Product literature, sales tools, presentations
    Database Server: Stores data used by Siebel eBusiness Applications in a predefined database schema. The Data Manager, within the AOM, controls access to the Database Server